One of my favourite teaching tools is the multiplication grid!
You can start with a simple 5 x 5 grid in order, move onto a 10 x 10, then as children become more and more adept at their times tables, you can put the numbers out of order (this is when they are relying less and less on their number patterns and are getting much better at other strategies). Here is a little look at a rainbow grid, not perfect, but carefully done! These can be done quickly in lead pencil during a middle session, as well. They can even be done on holidays, like Sudoku ... I'm sure there's nothing that will thrill your homeschoolers more ;) Enjoy Hayley
![]() Update from Hayley: Finn is 5 years without seizures after giving up Pedigree Dentastix! August 7, 2013 by HMCWriter (RE-BLOG) Around six months ago we ended up at the vet with our Finnish Lapphund, Fin. It was terrifying. My relaxed, easy going (sometimes a little slow in comparison to our intelligent Keeshond, Pudding) was all of a sudden whacking out. He was barking at the fence, something either dogs rarely do, and then came the frothing. Fin was rubbing himself against the panels as if trying to get something off him and the foam from his mouth had me scared he’d tried to engulf a toad. I’d seen it before in my mother’s Bull Terrier, Milly, who thankfully survived (rest her soul now, our beautiful family dog). I got hubby and he freaked out so much so, that all of a sudden I became the brains of the business, and he the brawn. We lifted him and took him to the vet emergency clinic. After an examination and blood test, Finny boy came back fine. Right as rain, in fact. Ants? A spider? The vet wasn’t so sure, but we could go home. So, we let it go. Two months later, it happened again. This time, he barked and went off his head so ferociously I thought he’d devoured the next door neighbour’s cat. I raced around the side (the same safe haven he retreated to last time) and there he was having a seizure on the grass. My poor beautiful, gentle-natured doggy. I knew then, he had epilepsy … or at least was prone to some type of seizure. As any mamma would do, I did some research. Doctor Google, I believe the professionals call it. I know a bit about epilepsy, as friend of mine has it, however I knew nothing of doggy seizures. Firstly, Fin comes from a prized breeder with no genetic epilepsy in the family. The only thing I came up with was that maybe he was allergic to something. Vets will swear black and blue that diet in dogs has nothing to do with epilepsy and they simply need to be medicated. Being the hippy I am, I called bullshit. Every disease is aggravated by certain foods … EVERY disease. Call me out in the comments if I’m wrong. So I wondered what might have triggered the seizures in Fin. There was only ONE thing we’d done differently in the past six months with his diet and that was DENTASTIX. I was feeding them one a day for their teeth. I stopped feeding it to them that day and Fin hasn’t had a seizure since. Maybe he will down the track, maybe he won’t. What I want to know is, what do people think? Has anyone had any experience with foods and seizures? Lastly, could it be caused by an allergen to a specific ingredient? Thanks for the visit! HMC |